If you’re considering enrolling in beauty school, financial issues might be a concern for you. Don’t worry! Paying for school is a common worry amongst many students. However, we want to make sure that financial concerns don’t get in the way of your goals. The Salon Professional Academy (TSPA), San Jose offers a variety of scholarships to students who qualify, as well as advice on other funding options to those who qualify.
AT TSPA San Jose, we proudly offer two specific scholarships:
This scholarship is awarded to new students in esthetics in cosmetology and esthetics. The award amount for esthetics is $2,500 and the amount for cosmetology is $5,000. Awards are available to those who qualify.
As part of our exclusive relationship with Redken, we can offer students the TSPA Redken Scholarship, an award created specifically for the TSPA franchise. Redken offers several scholarship opportunities of $600-$800 to qualifying students.
Outside of the scholarships we offer at TSPA San Jose, there are various scholarship opportunities available online to current and prospective beauty students. A simple Google search for “cosmetology scholarships” or “esthetics scholarships” can send you on the right path. The information about scholarships is out there, you just need to be proactive and seek it! Beauty Changes Lives is a nonprofit that offers multiple scholarships to cosmetology students every year. Scholarships through the organization have been awarded to hundreds of students at various amounts. You can check it out for yourself here! If you need help getting started on your search, feel free to call our financial aid advisor and ask for guidance.
For questions about TSPA scholarships or other scholarship opportunities, contact TSPA San Jose today. If beauty school is your goal, we want to help you pursue it. We’re here to answer your questions and help you figure out a financial plan that works for you!
Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. For more information about our graduation rates, the median loan debt of students who completed the program and other information visit www.tspasanjose.com