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How to Keep your Beauty Space Clean July 18, 2022

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It’s no secret that everyone should always make sure to keep up good hygiene practices but that doesn’t mean we’re always following them. With everything going on right now, there’s no better time to start doing everything you can so you can stay safe and healthy. For a beauty professional or student, the best place to start is with your beauty tools and stations. If you’re nervous that what you’re doing right now isn’t enough, read our blog to find out the best methods for keeping your beauty spaces sanitary. 

How to Keep Your Beauty Space Clean

Sanitize Your Makeup

We’ve all heard of making an effort to stop touching our faces. Well, what about our makeup brushes? Just think how often they’re coming into contact with areas that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has repeatedly told us not to touch, like our eyes and nose. That’s why you need to make sure that you’re always properly sanitizing these brushes. While there are different guidelines for each type of brush and its specific use, here are some good things to have in mind: 

  • Throw away old makeup brushes. These can differ but most should be thrown out after 2-3 months.
  • Rinse your brushes in lukewarm water and scrub your brushes with a drop of soap. 
  • Clean your brushes this way at least every 7-10 days.
  • Use sanitizing sprays for your power eyeshadow, bronzer, blush, and more
  • Don’t forget to also sanitize your makeup bag where your brushes are stored. An antibacterial wipe should do the trick.

Remember that just like you should be washing your hands after using the bathroom or before eating, you also need to do this before applying your makeup. It might be a good idea to start carrying around a small bottle of hand sanitizer in case you want to touch up your makeup where water isn’t readily available.


Don’t Forget About Your Beauty Tools

Brushes aren’t the only things us beauty mavens use and touch every day. There are a variety of beauty tools that can quickly spread germs if you’re not cleaning them regularly. Here are all the things you should clean but probably don’t. 


Metal Beauty Tools

Nail clippers and tweezers are just some examples but any tool you use that’s metal should be cleaned after each use. Have you ever thought about how close your eyelash curlers are to your eyes? It’s so important that you take the time to clean tools that are constantly near your face! You especially don’t want to use the same metal tool as someone else without giving it a good scrub. All you need is some antibacterial soap and water!


Curling Irons and Other Heat Tools

How long has it been since you last cleaned your curling iron or other heat-styling equipment? Some of you may be thinking that you’ve never even thought about cleaning those beauty tools before. Well, now is the time to get started! While the irons are unplugged, wipe down the surface with a cotton ball that has rubbing alcohol in it. Once the surface is clean, finish by wiping it with a clean cloth that’s been soaked in water.


Combs and Brushes

Make sure you’re removing all the hair that gets into your combs and brushes. You’ll then want to rinse them out with water and even use some shampoo to work into the bristles. 

How to Keep Your Beauty Space Clean


Clean Your Station Between Clients

If you’re a beauty professional and you’re seeing multiple clients each day, it’s important that you’re cleaning everything we mentioned already along with everything else around your station. Your chair, the table you keep all your supplies on, where clients wash their hair are all examples of places you need to be scrubbing between each client. 

Since so many different people use these spaces, there’s a risk of cross-contamination between clients. This means that germs can easily spread from person to person. You should always follow these practices but now it’s even more crucial that you take these recommendations seriously. 

Want to Know More About Beauty and Health

We know that these are unprecedented times and it feels uncertain when everything will go back to normal. At The Salon Professional Academy (TSPA), San Jose we’re here if you ever want to chat about how this affects your future in beauty. We are also offering virtual tours for anyone interested. Contact us if you’re ready to learn more.

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